Thank you for helping us on our mission to create a worldwide Obstacle Course Racing workout.
We believe
As humans, we all have the potential to accomplish things we never thought possible.
As a group, we have the ability to push each other past the comfort zone to achieve results only dreamed of.
As a community, we have the power to influence generations into becoming healthier and stronger for years to come.
By being a part of this one workout, this one hour of your time, YOU are making an impact and YOU are making a difference in this world.
At Power Systems, we want to help you become a part of this great movement by being a part of the worldwide Obstacle Course Race Workout!
How can you get involved?
- Host a workout at your facility
- Get a group of friends together and do the workout at your local park
- Meet up with other trainers and their clients for a massive OCR workout
- Join in from home
- Ask your gym to host a workout
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