Adam Von Rothfelder

Improve the Mind Body Connection with Balance Training

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Balance: the ultimate battle of strength and grace. For as long as I can remember I have always enjoyed balancing on things. I think as a child it was the constant fascination of a new conquest. I would ask myself, “can I stand on that?” But why? Why is it that balancing is so fascinating?

Well, without getting too philosophical on you, balance is essentially an act of mediation. The moment you begin to balance you must become completely present and aware of your body. It is this moment when you are pulled into the present that your eyes begin to soften and your mind begins to clear giving you the ability to connect the mind to the body.

Sounds pretty cool, huh?  It can take years to learn to meditate or hours of sitting in uncomfortable positions, but with balancing you can forego all the stillness and trade in it for stability – a double whammy of consciousness and movement combined.

So now that you’re intrigued… how do you begin? Well, it all starts with a single gesture. Below is a sample 1-week balance training program that will challenge and connect mind and body.


Day 1, 3, 5

Exercise 1: Single leg balance – 1 minute each foot

Exercise 2: Single leg balance – 1 minute each foot * eyes closed

Exercise 3: Place one foot directly behind the other (heel to toes) 1 minute while eyes closed rotating head left to right. (one set left foot in front of right foot, switch foot position on second set)

Exercise 4: 1 min plank alt. left arm/right leg raise w/ right arm/left leg raise

Repeat 2 times


Day 2, 4, 6

Exercise 1: Single leg balance – 1 minute each foot w/ 30 jumps on foot after minute

Exercise 2: Single leg balance – 1 minute each foot * eyes closed

Exercise 3: Place one foot directly behind the other (heel to toes) 1 minute while eyes closed rotating head left to right. (one set left foot in front of right foot, switch foot position on second set)

Exercise 4: 1 min plank alt. left arm/right leg raise w/ right arm/left leg raise

Repeat 2 times


10 Min Balance Focus:

Standing on a limited surface (like a 2×4, balance beam, half foam roller, or even a curb) begin to walk back and forth changing directions and rotating when necessary or standing still in one place. Try to stay committed for the entire 10 mins. When you find your sweet spot, begin to clear your mind and soften your eyes. Create an intention which will give you a greater sense of self mastery through visualization. Remember this will take time to learn but it will be worth the effort.


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About Adam Von Rothfelder

Adam Von Rothfelder is an accomplished fitness professional and personal trainer. He presented his talents as a trainer and athlete on NBC’s fitness reality television series S.T.R.O.N.G. Adam’s passion for fitness began at a young age with gymnastics and mixed martial arts training. With aspirations to become a professional athlete, his dream became a reality in 2008 when he participated in his first professional MMA fight. Now Adam applies his knowledge of strength and movement training to motivate others to fight for their fitness goals at his training facility, CoMo in Milwaukee, WI.