Resistance tubes and bands provide a wide range of exercise options at a reasonable price. Due to their size and portability, tubing and bands are often mishandled and stored improperly which can significantly impact their look and performance. Here are a few tips that will limit excessive wear and tear and maximize the lifespan of your resistance bands.
- Use a mild cleanser in a wipe or spray form with the primary active ingredient listed as Quaternary Ammonium or Ammonium Chloride.
- Avoid cleansers containing bleach, alcohol, acids, or acetones.
- Do not hang or lay resistance bands/tubes to dry in the sunlight as this can dry out the rubber and cause cracks that lead to fraying and breakage.
Resistance Bands in Aquatic Areas
Occasionally, resistance bands and tubes are used for training in and around aquatic areas. Cleaning and rinsing them afterward is crucial to remove chemicals such as chlorine or salt that will break down the bands. Tubes and bands used in or around a pool should be cleaned at the end of each day.
- Prepare two buckets: One for cleaning with fresh, warm water mixed with a diluted solution of mild anti-bacterial detergent, i.e. dish soap – and the other for rinsing filled with fresh water only.
- Drop bands and tubes into soapy water and agitate to remove chemicals.
- Transfer bands and tubes to the second rinse bucket containing tap water only. As an alternative to the rinse bucket, hang the bands on wall-mounted hooks and spray with water hose or spray bottle.
- Hang the tubes and bands to dry indoors in a ventilated area. Avoid storing wet or dry tubes and bands in storage bins.
Storage & Usage

Store bands and tubes in areas away from direct sunlight and heat sources. Hanging storage is recommended to provide easy access for users and prevents tangling, which can damage these items over time.
Avoid stretching resistance bands and tubes more than 2.5 times the original length. Lastly, avoid standing on bands with rugged shoes or anchoring across surfaces with sharp edges or gritty textures.
Inspection & Replacement
Inspect resistance bands and tubes on a weekly basis. Look for any nicks, tears, or cracks and take note of any excessive fading or discoloration of the rubber. Examine resistance tubes at the connection point to the handles for excessive wear and tear.
We recommend replacing resistance bands and tubes every 6 months.
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