I don’t have an hour to go to the gym today.”
“I have a hard time exercising while on vacation.”
Don’t worry, that’s okay! Just 10 minutes of exercise can be fun and produce those happy endorphins and results so you can stay on track this summer.
We are not talking about 10 minutes on the elliptical, though, we are talking about the famous AMRAP and EMOM workouts. The best part of these workouts is that they always seem doable. You know you can give your all for 10 minutes and feel great about your workout that day. If you are at home or on vacation and don’t have enough space or equipment, just switch out the exercises. Don’t forget to invite people to join you for your 10 minute workouts. You never know who may say yes! Having a buddy always makes you push harder and it is a LOT more fun!
AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible) Workouts challenge you to do as many reps as you can in a certain amount of time. Choose as many exercises as you want and build your own AMRAP. Here’s one of my favorites:
AMRAP 10 Minutes
As many reps as possible of:
+2 Dumbell Push Press
+2 DB Squats
+2 DB Russian Twists
(Add 2 each round!)
EMOM (every minute on the minute) workouts challenge you to do a small workout every minute on the minute as fast as you can, and you rest for the remainder of the minute. Try to beat your time each round, or challenge a buddy to do the EMOM with. Here’s one of my favorites:
EMOM 10 Minutes
Every minute on the minute, do:
100m Run plus 5 Burpees
Switch out the Burpees for Pull-ups, Thrusters, Push-ups, or Ab exercises!
Switch out the run for Jump Ropes or Rowing